Contact person:

Head of Division Expansion joints

Christian Böttger

Tel +49 40 540093-63
Fax +49 40 540093-47

Rubber expansion joints

Katrin Weichler

Tel +49 40 540093-23
Fax +49 40 540093-47

Diana Stellenberg

Tel +49 40 540093-27
Fax +49 40 540093-47

Axel Pöhlmann

(Head of department)
Tel +49 40 540093-73
Fax +49 40 540093-47

Stainless steel expansion joints

Andreas Krohn

Tel +49 40 540093-29
Fax +49 40 540093-47

Fitting instructions

Rubber Expansion Joint - Types (Download PDF)

Type 39 Type 40 Type 42 Type 46 Type 48
Type 49 Typ 49 S Type 50 Type 51 Type 52
Type 54 Type 55 Type 56 Type 57 Type 58
Type 59 Type 60 Type 61 Type 62 Type 63
Type 64 Type 65 Type 81    

Rubber Expansion Joints - Accessories (Download PDF)

Bracings Guide sleeves / Potential Equalisation
Special Designs Supporting Rings

Rubber Expansion Joints - Infos (Download PDF)

Planning instructions Pressure Losses
Flange Connections Movement Diagram
Overview Offer specifications (Inquiry)

Stainless Steel Expansion Joints - Types (Download PDF)

Type 200 / 201 Type 202 / 203 Type 204 / 205 Type 206 / 207
Type 208 / 209 Type 210 / 211 Type 212 / 213 Type 214 / 215
Type 220 / 221 Type 222 / 223 Type 224 / 225 Type 228 / 229
Type 230 / 231 Type 232 / 233 Type 234 / 235 Type 236 / 237
Type 238 Type 239 Type 240 / 241 Type 242 / 243
Type 244 / 245 Type 246 Type 250 / 251 Type 260 / 261
Type 262 / 263 Type 270 Type 280 / 281 Type 286 / 287
Type 290      

Stainless Steel Expansion Joints - Infos (Download PDF)

Specification Movement diagram
Expansion / Reaction force Basis of calculation
Innernal sleeve Material testing
Documentation Dimensional and final check / Service life
Bellow materials Pressure units
Accessories Resistance tables
Flange connection dimensions Installation and maintance


Stainless Steel Hoses (Download PDF)

Type 310/311

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